Hello You All!
I hope You are all enjoying your summer as much as I do! I've already done a lot of amazing things this summer and taking dancing lessons is one of them.
I used to take dancing lessons three times a week during a school year when I was in 10th grade, but I stopped doing that as I started my 11th school year. I did that because I figured I should spend more time studying rather than dancing. Therefore, it was amazing to be able to go to dance lessons again during this summer.
Lessons took place once or twice a week for 1.5 hour and they were mostly house dance and dancehall lessons. Personally, I prefer dancehall lessons as I find this dance much more emotional and passionate. This dance also requires better control of the whole body, therefore I always have an incentive to work out, go to every lesson and even improve my skills at home. Furthermore, we had a chance to show our creativity skills and prepare short choreographies during lessons, which made it all even more exciting.
Since this summer has been amazingly hot, you may imagine what it's like to dance when it's about 30 degrees Celsius outside. I used to be completely exhausted and wet from sweat after lessons. However, it's another reason to be proud of myself as I managed to endure such heat while dancing.
This activity included two aspects of CAS - Creativity and Action.